torek, 3. november 2015

'Preobrazba' gospe Bernarde med najinim skupnim pospravljanjem omare/Bernarda's experience of 'wardrobe detox'

Bom delila z vami zapis, ki mi ga je poslala gospa Bernarda. Pri njej sem bila prejšnji teden, ko sva skupaj prerešetali njeno omaro. Bernarda je dobila darilni bon za to storitev od svoje hčerke, saj je bila ob polni omari lepih oblačil večno nesrečna glede svojega videza. Na njenem meniju so bile besede 'debela', 'vedno v kavbojkah' (kljub službi učiteljice) in 'nič mi ne paše'. Ko sem prišla k njej, sem videla, da ima tremo. Bilo jo je strah, da ji bom rekla, da nima res nič za obleči in da rabi vse novo. No, osredotočili sva se predvsem na kombinacije in outfite, ki sva jih delali iz njenih oblačil, pri čemer sva upoštevali zakonitosti njene postave, obarvanosti in delovnega mesta. Nisem sicer štela, a naredili (in pofotkali) sva med 15 in 20 outfitov, torej bo Bernarda lahko takorekoč vsak delovni dan v mesecu drugače oblečena, pri čemer ji v trgovino po nova oblačila sploh ni treba stopiti. Najbolj sem bila vesela širokega nasmeška in besed »Pa to ne morem verjet!« vsakokrat, ko se je v novi kombinaciji pogledala v ogledalo. Že takoj naslednji dan po najinem svetovanju je v eni izmed kombinacij popolnoma osupnila svoje prijateljice ;).
Takole pa je napisala Bernarda:

»Urice s Tino so bile zame rojstnodnevno darilo. Priznam, da sem s težkim srcem pričakovala njen obisk. Zavedala sem se, da imam v omari še kar nekaj lepih kosov oblačil, ko pa jih oblečem, se v njih zares ne počutim dobro. Zakaj je bilo  temu tako, vem sedaj, saj je Tina takoj videla, da je moj “problem” veliko oprsje in tudi takoj znala odločno svetovati, kako naj izkoristim pri oblačenju to “prednost”, katerih krojev naj se izogibam, kje se lahko poigravam z vzorci in barvami. Najbolj pa sem hvaležna za to, da je iz mojih kosov oblačil sestavila odlične kombinacije, vključno z modnimi dodatki in čevlji. Pravzaprav je jutranja muka, kaj naj pa oblečem danes, postal prijetna in kreativna naloga. In dan, ko se zaveš, da si videti “šik” in se tudi zato dobro počutiš, zmore v življenje prinesti izpolnitev.«

(foto: Sanja Martinec)


Bernarda is one of my clients who got 'wardrobe detox' as a birthday gift from her daughter. Bernarda has a closet full of clothes, yet she was eternally dissatisfied with her looks and style. She told me she thought she looked fat, nothing really suited her and that she spent most of her days in jeans and a t-shirt, despite being a primary school teacher. As soon as I arrived to her home, I noticed she was really nervous about our style session. She thought I would tell her she had nothing to wear. What a surprise it was for her when we started to make outfits out of her items and discovered that she in fact had great clothes to choose from! Slowly I teached her what kind of style suited her based in her body type and pointed out the mistakes she used to do which made her feel heavier and bulkier than she really was. I lost count of the outfits that we made, but I'm sure we made between 15-20 new outfits for her. That means she can wear a different outfit to work every day five days a week for a month without having to wear exactly the same outfit! The very next day of our session she completely wowed her friends wearing a new combination. Here is Bernarda's experience in her own words:

»Hours that I spent with Tina were a birthday gift for me. I must admit I almost dreaded her arrival. I was aware of having quite a few beautiful items in my closet, but when I wear my clothes, I really don't feel good in them. Tina very quickly unleashed the mystery of why I felt bad in my clothes, namely she saw that my problem area are my big breasts. She then pointed out how to wear my clothes to minimize the appearance of my boobs and taught me what not to wear in order to escape from disaster. She taught me about the right models, colours and patterns for my body shape. Then we made numerous different outfits, accessories included, which I'm really grateful for. Since her arrival, the tiring morning routine of 'dear God, what am I going to wear today??' has turned into a pleasant and creative task. And when one realizes that one looks chic and feels that way, this is a great day filled with satisfaction.«

(Translated by: Tina Martinec Selan)

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