We listened to exuberant tones of Sanja and Marjeta's duo (violin and chello), then we had a swap where we exchanged clothes or accessories we no longer wore. This way, each one left with one new and useful thing she will wear and which will remind her of our beautiful evening. A beautiful reminder will also be custom-made 'Odglavedopet' lollipops (again my thanks goes to Sanja and Marjeta for their craftmanship!), if there are any left that is ... I would like to that everyone for a great evening that I will always remember!
torek, 10. november 2015
Otvoritev studia Odglavedopet/Opening of Odglavedopet studio
Baje vsak nov začetek rabi svojo otvoritev in tako me je
dobra prijateljica nagovorila v otvoritev studia. Za to sem ji hvaležna, saj se
sama verjetno kar ne bi spomnila na to, če pa bi se, se verjetno otvoritve ne
bi lotila. Tako pa sem ob spodbudi prijateljic in moje sestre le zbrala pogum
za to, da smo se nekega hladnega večera zbrale na kupu in nazdravile, kot se
V prostoru se je iskrilo od lepih in duhovitih žensk, vonjave večernih
parfumov pa so se pomešale v eksotično celoto.
V skladu s kodeksom oblačenja na
povabilu, ki se je glasil 'wear something red', se je vsaka odločila za svojo
interpretacijo kodeksa. Nastali kolaž je bil pisan in raznolik, kot smo pisane
in raznolike tudi me.
Prisluhnile smo živahnim
tonom dueta Sanje in Marjete, ki sta nam z igranjem violine in violončela popestrili večer.
zabavo pa je poskrbela tudi menjava ali 'swap' oblačil in dodatkov, po katerem
je vsaka odšla domov z eno novo stvarjo, ki jo bo lahko nosila in se ob tem
spominjala našega večera. No, za spomin na prekrasen večer bodo poskrbele tudi
posebej za to priložnost narejene lizike 'Odglavedopet' (ponovno hvala Sanji in
Marjeti), če je od njih seveda damam še kaj ostalo ... Hvala za prelep večer,
ki mi bo še dolgo ostal v spominu!
(vse fotografije: Odglavedopet)
Every new beginning needs a celebration, so they say, and
one of my best friends talked me into having a 'grand' opening of my new
studio. I'm very grateful she suggested this, because I would've never thought
of it myself, and even if I would, I wouldn't have the courage to make it
happen. But with encouragment and help of my friends and sister, we finally met
one nice autumn evening and raised our champagnes to salute the new
Odglavedopet studio. The place was sparkling with beautiful women and the
smells of evening perfumes melted into one exotic mix. Since the dresscode on
the invitation said: »Wear something red«, every one of us wore something red –
be it a dress, shoes, a bracelet, nailpolish or lipstick. The final collage was
as colourful as we are.
We listened to exuberant tones of Sanja and Marjeta's duo (violin and chello), then we had a swap where we exchanged clothes or accessories we no longer wore. This way, each one left with one new and useful thing she will wear and which will remind her of our beautiful evening. A beautiful reminder will also be custom-made 'Odglavedopet' lollipops (again my thanks goes to Sanja and Marjeta for their craftmanship!), if there are any left that is ... I would like to that everyone for a great evening that I will always remember!
We listened to exuberant tones of Sanja and Marjeta's duo (violin and chello), then we had a swap where we exchanged clothes or accessories we no longer wore. This way, each one left with one new and useful thing she will wear and which will remind her of our beautiful evening. A beautiful reminder will also be custom-made 'Odglavedopet' lollipops (again my thanks goes to Sanja and Marjeta for their craftmanship!), if there are any left that is ... I would like to that everyone for a great evening that I will always remember!
(Translated by: Tina Martinec Selan)
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Super je bilo in same fejst ženske! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišise strinjam, Tinkara :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiDraga moja, bilo je krasno. Vse si premislila, od detajlov do programa, tako da se je rdeča nit lepo vila cel večer. Na še veliko mehurčkov ter na veliko lepih, zabavnih in konstruktivnih trenutkov v tvojem novem studiu. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišihvala draga Katarina tebi za nujno 'brco v rit' = spodbudo <3