Prejšnji teden sem se udeležila zanimivega dogodka, na
katerem so predstavili avstralsko lasno kozmetiko Aussie. O znamki Aussie sem
že pred leti brala duhovite reklame v tujih modnih revijah, zato sem vesela, da
je to postal en izmed proizvodov, ki ga je mogoče dobiti tudi v Sloveniji.
(foto: Tina Martinec Selan)
lasna kozmetika vsebuje avstralske sestavine, kot so avstralski evkaliptus,
avstralski oreščki, makadamija, ginseng in podobno, vsi skupaj pa so zasnovani
kot negovalni produkti, ki pomagajo lasem, da zasijejo v svoji lepoti. Izbiramo
lahko med šestimi različnimi linijami šamponov, regeneratorjev, izdelkov za
stiliranje las ter njihovim 'bestsellerjem', '3 Minute Miracle' masko. Značilen
zanje je tudi sladek vonj, kar me je presenetilo, pa je to, da mi po Aussie
izdelkih diši cela kopalnica, tudi takrat, ko so stekleničke zaprte in
spravljene na polički. V tem oziru (dodaten plus odišavljanja kopalnice) me ti
izdelki nekoliko spominjajo na izdelke Lush.
Sam dogodek je bil zabaven in poučen, saj smo se lahko prepustile frizerskim
strokovnjakom, poslušale o izdelkih, o laseh pa so se razgovorile tudi ambasadorke
Aussie izdelkov, ki so bile gostje na dogodku, to so Lorella Flego, Špela
Štamol, Tjaša Kokalj, Ajda Sitar in Nika Veger. Poleg tega smo se lahko afnali
pred posebnim objektivom in izbrale čisto svoje avstralsko ozadje fotke ter
poslale 'razglednico' iz Avstralije naokrog. Dinamičen in dobro izpeljan
dogodek, ki so se ga udeležile številne strokovnjakinje iz modnega in lepotnega
sveta, vključno z večino slovenskih lepotnih blogerk.
(foto: PR dogodka)
(na fotografiji z Urško Ambrož Kajfež, organizatorko dogodka, foto: PR dogodka)
(foto: Tina Martinec Selan)
(foto: Tina Martinec Selan)
Izdelke Aussie – po mojem izboru so to Moisture Miracle Shampoo, Moisture
Miracle Conditioner ter 3 Minute Miracle maska za lase – še testiram, zaenkrat
pa sem zadovoljna z njimi. Lasje so po njih lahki in sijoči, odvzamejo pa tudi
frizz, tako značilen za valovit ali skodran tip las, kot so moji.
(foto: Tina Martinec Selan)
Izdelki so na
voljo v prodajalnah DM in Muller, všeč pa mi je to, da so hkrati kvalitetni ob
ne visoki ceni. Tudi pakiranje je velikodušno, saj šamponi vsebujejo 300 ml
produkta, regeneratorji in maske pa 250 ml. Slogan Aussie znamke je: »V življenju obstajajo pomembnejše stvari od las, vendar
lahko začnemo pri njih.« Priporočam.
Last week I attended an event where they introduced
australian hair line called 'Aussie'. I have met Aussie hair line a couple of
years ago in the english fashion magazines where I admired their witty ads. I
must say that I'm glad that Aussie products are now freely available in
Slovenia. Aussie hair line uses different australian plants such as australian
eucalyptus, nuts, macadamia oil, ginseng and so on, and all of them help the
hair to be beautiful and shiny. There are six different lines which can be
chosen according to hair needs, there are also styling products and of course
their best-selling product, '3 Minute Miracle' hair reconstructor. They have a
specific sweet smell which, surprisingly, is so strong that my whole bathroom now
smells amazing, even though the bottles of my Aussie products are closed. This
strong smell and the added benefit of making bathroom smell amazing remind me
of Lush products which have similar characteristics.
The event itself was fun and educational. We could let the hairdressers make us
special hairdos, learn about Aussie hair
products and listen to girls' talk – there were the so-called VIPs of slovenian
beauty world, Lorella Flego, Špela Štamol, Tjaša Kokalj, Ajda Sitar and Nika
Veger, who talked about their hair and their experience with Aussie products. Besides,
we could take funny photos in front of australian landscapes and send
e-postcards from our 'trip' to Australia. All in all, it was a dynamic and
well-prepared event which was attended by numerous slovenian beauty bloggers
and journalists.
I was offered 3 Aussie products of my choice and I chose Moisture Miracle
Shampoo, Moisture Miracle Conditioner and 3 Minute Miracle reconstructor. While
still testing the products, I can so far say that they are really moistuizing
and that they somewhat take away the frizz from my hair – frizz is something
very common for the wavy hair texture such as mine. You can buy Aussie products
in all Drogerie Markt and Muller stores, and given the good quality they are
actually not expensive while also being generously packaged (250 – 300 ml). The
moto of Aussie is: »There is more to life than hair, but it's a good place to
start.« I agree with that and I recommend the products to my readers.
(Translated by: Tina Martinec Selan)
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