torek, 29. september 2015

Kako narediti najboljši prvi vtis?/How to make the best first impression?

 "You never get a second chance to make a first impression."

Ste vedeli, da je prvi vtis najpomembnejši, ker ga nikoli ne morete ponoviti? Kar 93% prvega vtisa je sestavljenega iz neverbalne komunikacije (deloma iz zvena in tona glasu, deloma iz govorice telesa, drže in naše zunanjosti) - to pomeni, da ob prvem stiku z nekom, ki ga ne poznamo, naše besede zavzemajo le borih 7% celotnega vtisa! Vse ostalo je torej vizualna zaznava. Po domače povedano: sogovornik, ki nas prvič vidi, nas dodobra 'prečekira' že ob vstopu v prostor in/ali stisku roke (ta naj bo ravno prav močan) ter si o nas ustvari vtis, še preden pravzaprav sploh odpremo usta.


Če torej ob prvem srečanju z nadrejenim, podrejenim, novim poslovnim partnerjem, novo stranko, ..., poskrbimo za pravi vizualni vtis, smo naredili ogromno! In obratno – že majhne malenkosti lahko uničijo sicer skrbno pripravljeno predstavitev ali nastop. Še več, včasih odločajo tudi o tako pomembni stvari, kot je, ali bomo dobili službo ali ne ...
Zato nekaj nasvetov, kaj ja in kaj ne, če želimo narediti dober prvi vtis v naslednjih situacijah: razgovor za službo, prvi dan v službi, predstavitev projekta pred novimi partnerji in strankami, javni nastop (pred večjim številom ljudi), spoznavanje novih potencialnih strank, srečanje novega nadrejenega in podobno.

1. Poskrbimo za
brezhibno stanje oblačil – oblačila naj bodo čista, zlikana, brez vonja, brez potrganih nitk ali odpadlih gumbov, čevlji naj bodo očiščeni.

2. Izberimo kombinacijo oblačil, ki nam maksimalno pristaja tako po barvi kot po modelu.
3. Izberimo oblačila, v katerih se dobro počutimo, ker se nelagodje opazi!
4. Izberimo oblačila in dodatke, ki so primerni priložnosti in/ali delovnemu mestu. Če smo v dvomih, se raje uredimo malce bolj kot premalo in raje bolj formalno kot preveč sproščeno.
5. Ne preizkušajmo novih kombinacij oziroma kombinacij, ki so zelo drugačne od našega siceršnjega stila, to rezervirajmo za sproščene popoldanske ali večerne prilike. Enako velja za novosti na področju makeupa, tudi to naj bo rezervirano za druge prilike.
6. Tik pred samim dogodkom preverimo očitne stvari, kot so: da nimamo strganih hlačnih nogavic, da nam srajca ne štrli izza pasu hlač, da imamo kravato poravnano, da nimamo hrane med zobmi ali šminke na zobeh, ...


"You never get a second chance to make a first impression."

Did you know that first impression is the most important because you can never repeat it? A whopping 93% of our first impression in taken by non-verbal communication, partly from body language, the tone of voice etc, and the other part of our appearance. This means that our words only sum up to 7% when meeting someone for the first time! To translate: the person we're meeting for the first time actually 'checks us out' head to toe in the first couple of seconds of our meeting, before we even open our mouth to greet him/her and introduce ourselves.

Therefore, if we make sure the first impression we make on our business meeting, conference, exam, job interview etc, is the right one, we have done quite a lot to make things successful. On the other hand, one doesn't need much to interrupt good first impression as there are small details that can make or break the look.
For the important occassions such as job interview, first day at a new job, meeting your boss for the first time, giving speech in front of a (big or small) crowd, presentation at a conference, meeting new bussiness partners or new clients ..., here are DO'S and DONT'S:
1. Make sure your clothes are in immaculate condition: clean, ironed, without smell. Take care of stray buttons and any torn threads and clean your shoes.
2. Choose an outfit that is a really flattering colour and cut for you.
3. Choose an outfit that makes you feel good because people notice when you're not comfortable!
4. Choose clothes that are suitable for the occasion and/or your workplace. When in doubt, it is better to be overdressed than underdressed, better to be more formal rather than not formal enough.
5. Do not try new outfit combinations or new style for such occasions. Try new things when going out in the afternoon or for a date night. The same applies to makeup and hair.

6. Right before the important moment, check the most obvious and make sure that: you don't have a hole in your pantyhose, your shirt is tucked into your trousers, your tie is straight, there is no food between your teeth or lipstick on your teeth etc. 

(Translated by: Tina Martinec Selan)


torek, 22. september 2015

Odglavedopet – naj oblačenje postane užitek! / Odglavedopet makes dressing yourself a pleasure

»Imam polno omaro in nič za obleči ...«

»Kar naenkrat je moje življenje tako komplicirano – dva majhna otroka in nova služba – da mi ne ostane niti trohica energije za kombiniranje oblačil ...«

»Imam zahtevno službo in čisto nič časa za hojo po trgovinah ...«

»Naveličana sem tega, da sem ves čas v istih kavbojkah, istih dveh majicah in supergah ...«

»Po tretji zaporedni porodniški sem nenadoma ugotovila, da v službo ne morem v trenirki in jopi s kapuco! Na pomoooooč! ...«

Takole zvenijo prvi stavki, s katerimi se stranke obrnejo name po pomoč. Različne življenjske situacije zahtevajo zase veliko časa in energije, za zunanji videz (priznajmo, da je zelo pomemben) pa pogosto ne ostane ne časa ne energije. Pa tako rade bi bile urejene, saj tudi urejen videz prispeva k samozavesti na delovnem mestu in v vsakdanjih okoliščinah.
S svetovanjem 'Odglavedopet' tudi oblačenje postane užitek! Barvno svetovanje vam enkrat za vselej razloži, katere so vaše najboljše barve ter vam tako dolgoročno prihrani denar za zgrešene nakupe. Med pregledom garderobe naredimo številne nove kombinacije iz oblačil in dodatkov, ki jih že imate v svoji omari. Morebiten nakupovalni seznam pa uresničimo pri skupnem nakupovanju – pa brez skrbi, najtežje delo (izbiro oblačil) opravim sama, vi le pridete, pomerite in kupite, kar vam je všeč.

Mogoče pa tako stilsko preobrazbo potrebujejo in sanjajo vaša mama, sestra, svakinja, prijateljica, sodelavka ...? Z Odglavedopet oblačenje postane užitek, vaš stil pa bodo vsi hvalili!

(foto: Tina Martinec Selan/Odglavedopet)


»I've got closet full of clothes and I still have nothing to wear ...«

»Suddenly, with two small kids and a demanding job, my life has got so complicated that I don't have any spare energy nor time for combining outfits ...«

»My job is so stressful and time-consuming that I have no time left for shopping ...«

»I'm fed up with myself, being stuck in the same pair of jeans, two t-shirts and old sneakers all the time ...«

»After three maternity leaves here I am, suddenly painfully aware of not being able to wear my tracksuit & hoodie to work! Heeeeeeelp! ...«

Somewhere along those lines begin e-mails that my clients send me, asking for my help. We're put in different life situations that take all our time and energy on a daily basis, so that there is simply no time and energy left for our looks (which, let's face it, is also quite important). And yet we want to look good and feel good, too, because this has a huge influence on our work-and-private-life confidence.
Enters 'Odglavedopet' style counselling which makes your dressing easy and full of satisfaction! Colour analysis will once and for all explain to you all your best colours, so there will be no more failed purchases. Wardrobe detox will result in numerous new outfit combinations based solely on clothes and accessories you already own! For the eventual new purchases there is personal shopping where I take care of the difficult part (the choosing) and you simply show up, try clothes on and buy whatever you like.

Maybe it's not you, but your sister, mum, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, friend or colleague that need and dream of such style transformation? Odglavedopet makes dressing a pleasure, so that everybody will compliment you on your fabulous style ...

(Translated by: Tina Martinec Selan/Odglavedopet)

torek, 15. september 2015

Izdelki Aussie se predstavijo/Aussie introduces itself

Prejšnji teden sem se udeležila zanimivega dogodka, na katerem so predstavili avstralsko lasno kozmetiko Aussie. O znamki Aussie sem že pred leti brala duhovite reklame v tujih modnih revijah, zato sem vesela, da je to postal en izmed proizvodov, ki ga je mogoče dobiti tudi v Sloveniji. 

(foto: Tina Martinec Selan)

Aussie lasna kozmetika vsebuje avstralske sestavine, kot so avstralski evkaliptus, avstralski oreščki, makadamija, ginseng in podobno, vsi skupaj pa so zasnovani kot negovalni produkti, ki pomagajo lasem, da zasijejo v svoji lepoti. Izbiramo lahko med šestimi različnimi linijami šamponov, regeneratorjev, izdelkov za stiliranje las ter njihovim 'bestsellerjem', '3 Minute Miracle' masko. Značilen zanje je tudi sladek vonj, kar me je presenetilo, pa je to, da mi po Aussie izdelkih diši cela kopalnica, tudi takrat, ko so stekleničke zaprte in spravljene na polički. V tem oziru (dodaten plus odišavljanja kopalnice) me ti izdelki nekoliko spominjajo na izdelke Lush.
Sam dogodek je bil zabaven in poučen, saj smo se lahko prepustile frizerskim strokovnjakom, poslušale o izdelkih, o laseh pa so se razgovorile tudi ambasadorke Aussie izdelkov, ki so bile gostje na dogodku, to so Lorella Flego, Špela Štamol, Tjaša Kokalj, Ajda Sitar in Nika Veger. Poleg tega smo se lahko afnali pred posebnim objektivom in izbrale čisto svoje avstralsko ozadje fotke ter poslale 'razglednico' iz Avstralije naokrog. Dinamičen in dobro izpeljan dogodek, ki so se ga udeležile številne strokovnjakinje iz modnega in lepotnega sveta, vključno z večino slovenskih lepotnih blogerk. 

(foto: PR dogodka) 

(na fotografiji z Urško Ambrož Kajfež, organizatorko dogodka, foto: PR dogodka)

(foto: Tina Martinec Selan)

(foto: Tina Martinec Selan)

Izdelke Aussie – po mojem izboru so to Moisture Miracle Shampoo, Moisture Miracle Conditioner ter 3 Minute Miracle maska za lase – še testiram, zaenkrat pa sem zadovoljna z njimi. Lasje so po njih lahki in sijoči, odvzamejo pa tudi frizz, tako značilen za valovit ali skodran tip las, kot so moji. 

(foto: Tina Martinec Selan)

Izdelki so na voljo v prodajalnah DM in Muller, všeč pa mi je to, da so hkrati kvalitetni ob ne visoki ceni. Tudi pakiranje je velikodušno, saj šamponi vsebujejo 300 ml produkta, regeneratorji in maske pa 250 ml. Slogan Aussie znamke je: »V življenju obstajajo pomembnejše stvari od las, vendar lahko začnemo pri njih.« Priporočam. 


Last week I attended an event where they introduced australian hair line called 'Aussie'. I have met Aussie hair line a couple of years ago in the english fashion magazines where I admired their witty ads. I must say that I'm glad that Aussie products are now freely available in Slovenia. Aussie hair line uses different australian plants such as australian eucalyptus, nuts, macadamia oil, ginseng and so on, and all of them help the hair to be beautiful and shiny. There are six different lines which can be chosen according to hair needs, there are also styling products and of course their best-selling product, '3 Minute Miracle' hair reconstructor. They have a specific sweet smell which, surprisingly, is so strong that my whole bathroom now smells amazing, even though the bottles of my Aussie products are closed. This strong smell and the added benefit of making bathroom smell amazing remind me of Lush products which have similar characteristics.
The event itself was fun and educational. We could let the hairdressers make us special hairdos, learn about  Aussie hair products and listen to girls' talk – there were the so-called VIPs of slovenian beauty world, Lorella Flego, Špela Štamol, Tjaša Kokalj, Ajda Sitar and Nika Veger, who talked about their hair and their experience with Aussie products. Besides, we could take funny photos in front of australian landscapes and send e-postcards from our 'trip' to Australia. All in all, it was a dynamic and well-prepared event which was attended by numerous slovenian beauty bloggers and journalists.

I was offered 3 Aussie products of my choice and I chose Moisture Miracle Shampoo, Moisture Miracle Conditioner and 3 Minute Miracle reconstructor. While still testing the products, I can so far say that they are really moistuizing and that they somewhat take away the frizz from my hair – frizz is something very common for the wavy hair texture such as mine. You can buy Aussie products in all Drogerie Markt and Muller stores, and given the good quality they are actually not expensive while also being generously packaged (250 – 300 ml). The moto of Aussie is: »There is more to life than hair, but it's a good place to start.« I agree with that and I recommend the products to my readers.

(Translated by: Tina Martinec Selan)

torek, 8. september 2015

Čevlji, torbice in ženska ljubezen do njih/On women, shoes, handbags and our mutual love for each other

Zadnjič sem gledala komedijo, v kateri je glavni igralec v službi predstavljal svojo idejo za oblikovanje platnic ženskega romana. Začel je takole: »Nedavna raziskava, v kateri so uporabili tehniko MRI za slikanje ženskih možganov, je pokazala, da se ženski možgani prižgejo kot ognjemet, ko jim pokažejo sliko ...« »Čevljev!« sem takoj izstrelila, s čimer sem si prislužila začuden možev pogled, ki bi najbrž na isto vprašanje dal vse sorte drugih odgovorov. »... čevljev«, je zaključil junak v filmu. Ena nič zame. Pa saj ni bila težka 'uganka'. 


Kaj pa je na čevljih takega, da ženskam že pogled na hud par prekrasnih salonarjev hitreje požene kri po žilah? Ni treba biti fetišistka, da imaš rada čevlje. Tudi ni treba biti Imelda Marcos, ki jih je baje imela doma več kot tri tisoč parov, da se kvalificiraš za ljubiteljico čevljev, čeprav je presenetljivo, koliko parov čevljev imajo doma povsem povprečne ženske s povsem povprečnimi plačami. Tudi torbice so v podobni kategoriji kot čevlji, s tem, da se po mojih opažanjih ženske v vprašanju: »Čevlji ali torbice?« delijo podobno kot ljudje v znanem zgodovinskem vprašanju: »Beatli ali Rollingi?«. Dejstvo je, da imaš raje eno ali drugo, tiste pa, ki imajo enako (beri: zelo) rade tako torbice kot čevlje, so pač toliko na boljšem – ali na slabšem, če gledamo s stališča njihove denarnice.

Naj vam povem svojo teorijo, zakaj so čevlji in torbice tako ljubljen del ženskega sveta in zakaj jih ima(j)(m)o raje od drugih kosov ženske garderobe. Ste že kdaj morale čevlje zapeti leže na tleh in medtem na vso moč vleči trebuh notri? Ali vam je že kdaj kakšna torbica naredila večjo zadnjico oziroma vas kako drugače spomnila na to, da se spet ne držite tega, da po osmi zvečer ne jeste ogljikovih hidratov? Ne? Se mi je kar zdelo. Gre za kose, ki so hkrati modni in estetsko dovršeni, odražajo našega duha, okus za modo in življenjsko filozofijo, a pri tem so božajoče prijazni tudi do naše nepopolnosti. Dobra torbica pač enako dobro pristaja tako suhljati dami kot obilneje obloženi. In čevlji? Ti nas potolažijo že, če jih imamo v omari in jih samo gledamo. Zelo daleč torej od osovraženih kategorij ženskega šopinga, kot so kavbojke, modrci ali pudri. Nič čudnega, da jih imamo tako rade. Nič ne zakliče »Nova sezona!« tako glasno in obetajoče kot nov par čevljev, ki s sabo nosi številne obljube: da bomo v njih hodile lepše in bolj vzravnano, da se bomo pogosteje spravile iz prastarih kavbojk in raztegnjene majice, pa tudi, da bomo v življenju imele več priložnosti, ko bodo novi nobel čevlji doživeli svoj sprehod. Podobno je pri novi torbi: predalčke ima lepše razporejene in več razdelkov, zato obljublja, da bomo ključe hitreje našle. Ker pa je bila draga in je res noro lepa, preprosto ne bomo dovolile, da bi v njej spet pozabile en teden staro banano (ostanek vrtčevske malice) in bomo takoj ven stresle vse drobtine ...
Skratka – za večino žensk so občutki ob novih čevljih ali torbi preprosto božanski, zato ni čudno, da se nam možgani ob pogledu nanje razživijo kot rakete na novoletnem ognjemetu. Smo pač preprosta bitja me ženske, kajne?



Not long ago I was watching a comedy in which there was a scene where the main character presented his idea for an illustration of a new book cover. He began his presentation with these words: »A recent study using MRI technique for studying women's brain showed that women's brain lit up like firework when shown a picture of ...« »Shoes!!« I screamed out right away, which provoked a wondering glance from my husband who would probably answer this question quite differently. »... Shoes«, the man in the movie finished his sentence. Yay for me, but hey, this wasn't a difficult question.
So what is it about shoes that women's hartbeats begin to flutter like a butterfly when we see a gorgeous pair of shoes? You don't have to be a fetishist to love shoes. You also don't have to be exactly Imelda Marcos (who presumably owned more than 3.000 pairs of shoes) to be qualified as a shoe lover, although the number of shoe pairs, owned by perfectly average women with perfectly average paychecks, is often surprising. I see handbags in the same category as shoes, where women seem to be divided into two separate groups based on whether they prefer shoes to handbags or vice versa. This, I observe, is somewhat a similar phenomenon to the eternal question: »The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?«. Usually one prefers one or the other, although there are women who simply love both – shoes AND bags – and so they are in somewhat better position, or worse, if you look at their bank accounts.
Let me tell you my theory on why women love shoes and bags so much and why they prefer them to other items of wardrobe. Did you once in your lifetime had to actually lay down and suck in your tummy in order to buckle your shoes? Did any handbag make your butt look bigger or in any other way point out the fact that again, you're not following your 'no-carbs-after-8-pm' diet? Never happened? I thought so. Shoes and handbags are fashionable, aesthetically perfect, they show our life philosophy, our spirit and fashion sense, but at the same time, they are oh-so-kind to our (psysical) imperfections. A nice handbag looks equally good on a thin or more voluptuous woman. Shoes? A good pair puts us in a good mood even if we only glance at it in the shoe closet. That's miles away from the hated categories of shopping such as jeans, bras or foundations. Nothing screams out »New season!« as loud as a new pair of fabulous shoes. It also promises that we will walk nicer, stand taller and more straight, that we will more often find the energy to climb out of our ancient pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and also that there will be more fancy occasions in our life, more chances to put that elegant pair of stilettos on and walk out to a party. Similar with a new glossy handbag. Because of its many compartments, we believe to find our keys faster; and because of its high price and beauty, we will simply not let another one week old, rotten banana hide in it, let alone the cookie crumbles that often sneak in where they aren't supposed to ...

To sum it up, shoes and handbags are simply divine so no wonder that our brain lit up like firework when we see them. You can't say that women are not simple creatures, right?

(Translated by: Tina Martinec Selan)